Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Life...

My dearest reader, it has been an honor and a privilege to have walked with you during this past year. We have both cried and laughed together. We discovered the story of a town. We discovered the stories we had in common, as well as the stories that made us unique.

Walking with you on this journey inspired me to love, more fully, consciously, authentically.

From my heart, I thank you.

But, there comes a time, when every Artist must step away from the canvas. One last long look at the painting, and the following words can be spoken with confidence, "It is finished. What I have set out to do, I have done."

This blog ends today, in its present form. If you would like to receive a free quarterly news-letter kindly leave your email address.

Though this blog ends in its present incarnation, the Journey itself is everlasting.

I am a collector of stories. Each human being has their own precious personal legend to share. May I be granted the grace and the wisdom to remain Present to all that are placed in my path, as we seek and discover the Sacred in the every day.

Blessings to you all, today and always.

Pax, Shalom, Namaste.

Happy New Year!

with love,

your little brother

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